The Bristol MassHire Career Centers are here to help you achieve your employment and career goals.  From education and training to job readiness assistance to job placement assistance, we can assist in connecting you with job opportunities in high growth and high wage occupations and industries in the local area.  No matter your skill levels or barriers to employment, we will customize our services to meet your specific needs.  Contact us today to access the resources available through the MassHire Career Centers in our region.

  • Job Development/Vocational Counseling

  • On-Site Unemployment Assistance

  • Skills Advancement

  • Workshops/Recruitments/Job Fairs

How We Can Help You

Our job search assistance combines a variety of services to help you obtain meaningful employment opportunities.  These services include access to online job listings, career counseling, coaching on job search skills, workshops on a variety of job search strategies, networking groups, access to resources including PCs, reference materials, resume building software, and economic data and specialized services for veterans, dislocated workers, disabled workers, and other special groups.

Attitude is Everything! Do you want to speed up your job search? Increase your confidence? Apply the latest job search techniques? Then join the Job Club! Fine tune your resume and cover letter. Network and tap into the hidden job market. Learn to apply on-line. Prepare for successful job interviews. Develop skills and overcome barriers. Bring new energy to you job search.

a 60 hour, instructor-led Microsoft Office computer lab where students acquire an understanding of computer terminology and operation by performing tasks using Microsoft Software Applications.

TORQ (Transferable Occupation Relationship Quotient) identifies and matches transferable skills to related occupations and industries to expand and target customer job search opportunities.

Career Ready 101 is a comprehensive easy to use curriculum to help individuals master the work readiness skills they need to be successful in a changing marketplace. This internet-based learning system includes courses in career awareness and exploration, career preparation, job search, career success skills, financial awareness and the foundational work skills measured by the ACT WorkKeys job skills assessment system.  Upgrade your skills assessment and curriculum to the ideal level, for the occupation of your choice.

Didn’t Find Your Answer?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you find the answers to your questions!